If you are thinking of having new windows installed in your home, you might be amazed at how much more efficient modern windows are compared to those that were made 20 or 30 years ago. What makes these new windows so efficient? It really comes down to three elements.

Low-E Coatings

Normal glass has a very high emissivity. This means that when heat hits the glass, most of that heat travels right through it. Modern, energy-efficient windows usually feature glass with a low-emissivity, or low-E coating. Low-E coatings reduce the emissivity of the glass. Most heat that hits low-e glass is directed back away from the glass. This lowers your energy bills both in the summer and in the winter. In the winter, the low-E glass reflects heat back into your home. In the summer, it reflects heat back outside so your air conditioner does not have to work as hard.

Low-E glass does not appear tinted; it still lets visible sunshine beam through. Of course, you can also find tinted low-E glass if that is what you'd prefer. Contact a company like Allstate Siding and Windows for more information on low-E coated windows.

Argon Filling

Many old windows have just one pane of glass. Or if they have two panes of glass, there is a layer of plain air between those panes of glass. Today's windows are often filled with argon gas rather than with plain air. Argon is a better insulator. In other words, it does a better job of preventing heat from passing through it. If you buy triple-pane windows with two layers of argon trapped between the glass panes, they'll be even more efficient! Triple-pane glass is usually only recommended for homes in very cold climates.

Better Sash Materials

It's not just the glass that has an impact on window efficiency. The material from which the sashes are made also matters. Some sash materials, like aluminum, are poor insulators and let a lot of heat pass through. Others, like wood, loosen over time and create air leaks. Most modern, energy-efficient replacement windows are made with either wood composite or fiberglass window sashes. Both of these materials are good insulators. They're also less prone to weather damage than wood, so they don't warp and create air gas as the windows age.

To learn more about energy efficient windows and the options that are best for your home, contact a window replacement company in your area. You will be amazed how much money a new set of windows can save you!
